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Wed 29.5.2024
2 – 4 pm

Vernissage From the classroom to the Kunsthaus

Free admission

Language: German

A Hodler figure as a footballer, Anker’s girl travelling through time in the 21st century: Pupils have immersed themselves in works from the Aargauer Kunsthaus collection and processed their impressions with the help of digital tools. The result is a multi-faceted digital tour using augmented reality (AR), which will be open to the public at the Aargauer Kunsthaus from 29 May to 27 October 2024.

Augmented reality is a technology that enhances visible, physical reality with digital elements. It has been successfully used as an educational tool at the Aargauer Kunsthaus since 2021.

The tour was created as part of a collaboration between the Digital Media in Schools and Teaching – imedias advice centre, the FHNW University of Teacher Education and the Aargauer Kunsthaus.


Ein Mädchen übermalt eine Kopie eines Landschaftsgemäldes i