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Johannes Robert Schürch
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Guided tour with dialogue

Date by arrangement
Duration: 1 hour
CHF 180.– / class incl. admission (*)
From cycle 3


On the tour through the exhibition rooms, students discover expressive drawings on the themes of death, grief, loneliness and the longing for belonging and love. The artist Johannes Robert Schürch endeavoured to depict the world and people in all their facets. The classes look at his drawings, which show figures from the circus world or people affected by poverty and living on the margins of society. They discuss the desires, feelings and issues that concern us today. The observations are supplemented with background information on the artist and his working methods.

Zeichnung eines älteren Paares i
Johannes Robert Schürch (1895 - 1941), Emigranten, 1938
Tusche laviert und Aquarell auf Papier, 20.5 × 27 cm
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau / Schenkung der Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung, 1987
Foto: Brigitt Lattmann

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