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Thu 24.10.2024
5.30 – 8 pm

The themes of nature and ecology at the Aargauer Kunsthaus

Pauline Julier
A Single Universe

Co-operation with Schule für Gestaltung Aargau

CHF 190.–

Language: German

The course takes place on 3 evenings:
Thursday, 24.10. / 7.11. / 28.11.2024


We look at works of art in the Aargauer Kunsthaus on the theme of nature and ecology and work creatively on the motif of landscape. We interpret and interpret their content and mode of representation. We will look at the multimedia work of the artist Pauline Julier and her view of the current ecological situation of our universe and the history of the earth.

In a second and third part, we will work at the Aargau School of Design (sfga) on the subject of nature. We will look for approaches for drawing and painting realisations and find writing opportunities on the subject of landscape based on various inputs, taking inspiration from the works we see. The focus is on the desire to create and write. The tasks can be used in school lessons (visual arts and German).

With Brigitte Haas and Ursula Meier, art historians.

Bild von einem Raum mit einer Installation und einem grossen Wandbild. i
Installationsansicht Pauline Julier. A Single Universe.
8.6. – 27.10.2024, Aargauer Kunsthaus

Foto: ullmann.photography