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Thu 29.8.2024
6 pm – 8 pm



Free admission

Language: German

Carte blanche for animation filmmakers: They animate the works in the Aargauer Kunsthaus. The short films provide surprising access, they are touching and also thought-provoking. The tour with the augmented-reality app guides visitors to the works that come to life on the screen. The motifs explore the field of tension between Humans and Nature, showing the landscape as a place that is at the same time untouched and endangered. This interdisciplinary project ties the past to the immediate present.

Re-MIX is a collaboration project by Fantoche, the International Animation Film Festival, and the Aargauer Kunsthaus.


6 pm Opening, speeches with Dr Katharina Ammann, Director, Ivana Kvesić, Festival Director Fantoche, Amélie Cochet and Jan Lässig, Project Managers Re-MIX
From 6.30 pm aperitif

Bildbetrachtung mit einem Tablet i
Aargauer Kunsthaus / Schenkung aus dem Nachlass Robert Beeli Mit Genehmigung des Künstlers © Max Matter Foto: ullmann.photography