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Wed 21.5.2025
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm

A journey to the moon. An event for Swiss Read Aloud Day with Maria Hächler

Free Admission

A journey to the moon, past dancing plants, blue birds and other creatures

For children aged 4-8 years with an accompanying person (grandad, godfather, dad, grandmother…). Siblings are also very welcome.


Come with Emilio and his grandfather to the moon! And discover with us a mysterious story, fantastic creatures and works of art in which there is perhaps just as much to explore as on the moon. Our journey starts in the mediation studio, where you and your companion can create something yourselves.

With Maria Hächler, mediator and reading animator and Xenia Joss, mediator

Eine Hand hält ein Kinderbuch vor ein Kunstwerk im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: Maria Hächler