6.30 pm – 8 pm
Panel discussion. Neutrality and Identity
Neutrality Model
CHF 10.–
Fourth panel discussion in the five-part series Neutrality and …
Co-curated by Denise Bertschi
Language: German
TicketsNeutrality characterises Switzerland’s position both in Europe and throughout the world. In the course of history, neutrality has become a political instrument. The image of Switzerland as an island of peace and impartial mediator is increasingly being questioned – especially with regard to colonial entanglements or links to the Nazi regime. In the panel discussion with Rohit Jain, Mandy Abou Shoak, Marco Jorio and others, neutrality as part of Swiss identity will be addressed. The event will be moderated by Katharina Ammann, Director of the Aargauer Kunsthaus.
The discussion series addresses the changing significance of neutrality in the context of global politics and brings together expertise from the worlds of art, politics and science. Each event highlights a specific topic related to neutrality.
Installation und Performance
Mit Genehmigung der Künstlerin © Davide-Christelle Sanvee
Foto: Gina Folly, Basel