Public guided tour
Collection 25 I
Eintritt + CHF 5.–
Sat 17.5.2025
3 pm – 4 pm
3 pm – 4 pm
Public guided tour
Collection 25 I
Eintritt + CHF 5.–
Language: German
TicketsWith Collection 25 I, we are giving the exhibition Model Neutrality an echo chamber in the first half of the year. Here you can encounter Varlin’s Friedensapostel Max Daetwyler or Miriam Cahn’s series Sarajevo from 1994, as well as Ben Vautier’s ‘scandalous picture’ Suiza no existe, which provoked political controversy in 1992.
With Brigitte Haas, Astrid Näff or Ursula Meier, art historians

Miriam Cahn, Sarajevo (4), um 1994
Acryl auf Papier
Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau / Schenkung Betty und Hartmut Raguse-Stauffer
Copyright: Miriam Cahn, Stampa
Fotocredit: ullmann.photography
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Acryl auf Papier
Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau / Schenkung Betty und Hartmut Raguse-Stauffer
Copyright: Miriam Cahn, Stampa
Fotocredit: ullmann.photography
Aargauer Kunsthaus