Klodin Erb
Klodin Erb
Klodin Erb
We are all simultaneously fragile and strong, serious and funny, alone and connected in friendships. Sometimes we are everything and the opposite. We are constantly adapting to society in order to stay in touch with our fellow human beings. The exhibition shows this constant change: at any moment I can start anew to become someone else.
Klodin Erb’s paintings, fabric works, installations and videos with their diverse forms of metamorphosis have a liberating effect on the viewer. They deconstruct power relations and lead to emancipation. Klodin Erb (*1963) pushes the boundaries of painting and beyond in her sensual, profound and humorous visual worlds.

Klodin Erb (*1963), Die Quelle der Erschöpfung, 2022/2023 Aus der Serie venusinfurs I-VIII, 2022/2023
Öl, Acryl und Acrylsprayfarbe auf Leinwand, Stoffrahmen, 365 x 240 cm
Mit Genehmigung der Künstlerin
Foto: Studio Seghrouchni
© Klodin Erb
Öl, Acryl und Acrylsprayfarbe auf Leinwand, Stoffrahmen, 365 x 240 cm
Mit Genehmigung der Künstlerin
Foto: Studio Seghrouchni
© Klodin Erb