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CARAVAN 3/2017: Arthur Fouray



CARAVAN 3/2017: Arthur Fouray
Series of Exhibitions of Young Art

Arthur Fouray (b. 1990) combines the approaches of major, opposing twentieth-century avant-garde art movements in his work: readymade, Minimal and Conceptual Art, as well as monochrome painting. He also studies current developments in-depth and it is these wide-ranging points of reference that provide the basis for his artistic concepts.

In his CARAVAN exhibition the Lausanne-trained artist places his works in the foyer of the Aargauer Kunsthaus, literally at the interface of interior and exterior space. The glass façade designed by Herzog & de Meuron is the starting point for his site-specific intervention in which he plays with the architectural situation of the foyer as well as its use as a place of encounter. The artist covers the museum’s front with curtains made of cotton that are painted bright red. This material was first used by the Abstract Expressionists in the U.S. and competed with linen canvas as the classic picture support.

Arthur Fouray’s diverse reference system is evident not just on a formal level: oftentimes the names of artists who served as inspiration for a work are, in fact, mentioned explicitly. His window installation Torres (Pyrrole) was inspired by a group of works by the Cuban artist Félix Gonzalez Torres (1957 – 1996). In the 1980s, Torres arranged light-blue curtains in an exhibition space; called Untitled (Loverboy), they allude to the romantic relationship of two men. For Fouray, too, the fabric panels are a means of staging. Torres (Pyrrole) is preceded by a work from the aaafff series. This combination of letters refers both to the artist’s initials and to the shade of colour featured in many of his works, which in the computer-based colour identification system used by Fouray stands for a precisely defined light violet blue. The painting shows on one side the titular colour hue, while its other side is covered by a mirror. When the visitor steps in front of the latter, the glass façade becomes a stage and the viewer becomes the protagonist of this mise-en-scène.

Arthur Fouray and his works are moving into the foyer of the Aargauer Kunsthaus – literally at the interface between the inside and the outside space. The striking display window is the starting-point of this site-specific installation, in which the artist plays with the architectural reality of the foyer, as well as its use as a meeting place.

Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich