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Flowers to Art



Flowers to Art
Floral interpretations of works from the collection

The Flowers for Art exhibition, which was realised with great success for the first time in 2014, will be continued in 2015. Master florists from all over Switzerland will once again be presenting floral interpretations of selected works from the Aargauer Kunsthaus collection to mark the spring awakening. The dialogue between artwork and floral interpretation opens up refreshing perspectives in the field of tension between culture and nature. The spectrum of floral works, including those by Robert Zünd, Félix Vallotton, Hans Arp, Franz Gertsch and John Armleder, ranges from the early 19th century to the present day. A unique Land Art installation complements the exhibition in the outdoor space.

Flowers as archetypal symbols of the beauty and transience of life have always interwoven different perceptions and perspectives. The varied accompanying programme, consisting of guided tours, workshops and events, focuses on this in a dialogue between art and floristry.

Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf