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Marta Riniker-Radich
Manor Art Award 2016



Marta Riniker-Radich
Manor Art Award 2016

Marta Riniker-Radich (b. 1982) is the recipient of the Manor Art Award Aarau 2016. This award provides the occasion for a solo exhibition at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, for which the artist has created a number of new works. Drawing, filming, modelling and writing, she examines our ambivalent relationship to wellness trends, the beauty cult and health mania. She critically reflects on the social standardization of the body, which raises issues of control and power.

For several years now, Marta Riniker-Radich has been exploring the medium of drawing. In this exhibition she expands into real space by combining a series of new works on paper, objects, video projections and texts into an overarching installation.

Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf
Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus i
Foto: David Aebi, Burgdorf