Sculptural Explorations of the Pictorial Space
Sculptural Explorations of the Pictorial Space
Collection in Focus
Sculptural Explorations of the Pictorial Space
Collection in Focus
Sculptural Explorations of the Pictorial Space
Collection in Focus
Sculptors use drawings both as an instrument of design and as an autonomous medium for the development of a new formal language. The works on paper shown here bring into focus the tense opposition between the genres of sculpture and drawing, and shine a spotlight on the constructive use of line in pictorial space. At the same time the presentation of the collection clarifies the wealth of variety in the genre.

Bernhard Luginbühl, Atlas, 1970
Kupferstich auf Papier, 57 x 61.1 cm
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau / Schenkung Familie Bechtler
Kupferstich auf Papier, 57 x 61.1 cm
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau / Schenkung Familie Bechtler