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Five Questions for Pauline Julier

Pauline Julier
A Single Universe

The artist and filmmaker Pauline Julier answers five of our questions.

Die Künstlerin Pauline Julier sitzt in in ihrer Einzelausstellung im Aargauer Kunsthaus. i
Die Künstlerin Pauline Julier
A Single Universe.
8.6. – 27.10.2024, Aargauer Kunsthaus

Foto: ullmann.photography

What do you think when you look at the sky?

The only place we all have in common when looking up.

What does a normal working day look like?

We meet at 8 am to discuss a lot of technical details - due to the various modes of projection - 16 mm film projectors to LED screens. The goal is to optimize the display quality of my works.

What are your next projects, your plans for the future?

I will go on holiday with my children - urgently needed after such a big exhibition opening. After that there are several projects starting at the same time.

What inspires ypur work?

I am working with the world - everything inspires me. I constantly follow up on a lot of news from global science communities.

What is your favourite drink?

Coffee? - Depends on the hour of the day ...