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How I see it

What is it all about?

In this participatory exhibition project, the Aargauer Kunsthaus opens its doors to new ideas and young perspectives. What do you want to see? What do you have to say? Over the course of a year, a group of young people aged between 18 and 26 will work with us to design an open-ended exhibition.

Are you interested?

You can find out what’s new, when we meet and what comes out of it by following us on TikTok @so_sehe_ich_das

Would you like to join us?

Write an email to livia.kuenzi@ag.ch or come directly to our next meeting. We regularly publish the upcoming dates here in the event calendar or on TikTok @so_seh_ich_das

Do I need to know anything before I come?

No, you don’t need any prior knowledge and there are no requirements. We won’t check your age either. But we are happy if you are motivated.

I would like to take part, but…

Do you need childcare or don’t have enough money for the train ticket? Contact us directly and we’ll find a solution: livia.kuenzi@ag.ch or kunstvermittlung@ag.ch

What do I get in return?

If you find museums boring and are not interested in art, here you have the opportunity to help shape and change things. Tell us and show us what you like. If you are interested in art, you can try out lots of things here and contribute your perspective. Are you still undecided? Find out and sharpen your opinion. You can meet new people your own age and have the chance to be part of a unique project. Once a group has been formed and the first information meetings are over, we will also pay you for your time and ideas.

How long will this project last?

The first information meetings will take place in June 2024 and the exhibition is planned for the end of May 2025 to August 2025. The meetings will take place regularly every two to four weeks. As the exhibition gets closer, it may be more often. There will also be a lot to do during the exhibition. But you can help decide where, what and how and we will help you with this.

Are you unsure or do you have any questions?

Write us an email at livia.kuenzi@ag.ch or contact us on TikTok @so_sehe_ich_das