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Changeable Portrait (live)

Live workshop

By appointment
Duration: 1 hour
CHF 125.– / half class for 1 hour
max. 12 participants
CHF 190.– / team of adults (*)
For pupils, 4th to 9th grade,
teachers and adult teams


We often look at a screen and see many faces via cameras using Facetime or video chat. We use precisely this technology in the workshop. The transmitted video portrait serves as a model for a graphic realisation. Participants will learn about different ways of using this model to create several images with very different effects.

The workshop is led live by a facilitator via the ZOOM video chat function.

The computer should be in a well-lit place and have video capability. The participants need space on the table next to it to be able to work.

These materials are required:

  • Transparent/colourless A4 folder
  • Waterproof felt-tip pen
  • Adhesive tape
  • Several pieces of A4 paper (plain copy paper or drawing paper)
  • Pencil
  • Coloured pens to create the portrait in your favourite colours (these can be coloured
  • pencils, felt-tip pens, Neocolor or other pens you have at home)
  • A newspaper or notebook that you can cut up
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
Eine Hand hält mehrere Porträit-Zeichnungen auf einem Schreibtisch mit Stiften i

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