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Meditative tour. Mindful (art) moments

The public can explore various mindfulness exercises with up to ten selected works in the collection exhibition on the upper floor, which allow them to experience art in a new, transformative way. Art appeals to perception and the senses in many different ways and is therefore ideally suited as a sounding board. The mindful art observations were developed by certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction instructors from the canton of Aargau and elsewhere.

Drei Besucherinnen hören mit Kopfhörer eine Meditationsanleitung vor einem Gemälde i
Foto: René Rötheli, Baden

The offer is open to everyone for individual visits and is suitable for people with and without previous experience with meditation. The mindfulness exercises are accessed via the in-house tablets with the artverse app installed, which can be borrowed from reception. Alternatively, the app can also be downloaded onto your own smartphone.

The tour with the mindfulness exercises was created in cooperation with the Mindful Art Encounters Association.

Lebensfreude! Meditieren mit Kunst.

Be here and now. Feel yourself in a tree, dream yourself on a lakeshore, become a part of Robert Zünd’s landscape. A body awareness exercise by MBSR trainer Isolde Reber.

Atme mit den Farben und Formen der Pagode. Meditieren mit Kunst.

MBSR trainer Erica Fankhauser invites you to explore the movements of the breath with a painting by Pierre Haubensak.

Verbundenheit. Meditieren mit Kunst.

Where do moods manifest themselves in our body? How and why do we feel connected to others? MBSR trainer Bruno Amrein explores these sensations with a work by Bernese artist Franz Gertsch.