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Get closer to Art, become involved in the work of the museum, support the programme, help to shape the future: The Aargauer Kunsthaus offers many ways to engage.

Aargauer Kunstverein

The Aargauischer Kunstverein is a supportive community of people who combine a love of art with a connection to the Aargauer Kunsthaus. Today, the annual membership dues from the approximately 2000 members of the Art Association represent a significant contribution to the success of the exhibitions hosted by the Aargauer Kunsthaus. The Association members enrich the cultural life of the canton, and as ambassadors for culture and its social impact, they bring an awareness of art into society.

Production: Severin Kuhn
Concept: Anja Suter and Benjamin Tschopp
Camera: Severin Kuhn, Romand Hodel, ullmann.photography

Management Board
Kaspar Hemmeler
Roland Neuenschwander
Martin Ammeter
Yannick Berner
Peter Fischer
Andrea Gsell
Monica Glisenti Brotschi
Dr. Hanspeter Hilfiker
Susanne Holtzhuizen
Daniel Robert Hunziker
Michael Schaerer
Michael Wanner
Gruppenbild des Vorstandes des Aargauischen Kunstverein i
Aargauischer Kunstverein, Vostand (unvollständig), Aarau, 12. März 2025. Foto: Alex Spichale, Baden


The Verein der Freunde der Aargauischen Kunstsammlung (Association of Friends of the Aargau Art Collection) supports the Aargauer Kunsthaus in particular with new acquisitions. Since its founding in 1944, the Association has collected outstanding works. Its members benefit from exchanges and meetings at exclusive events at the Aargauer Kunsthaus and on group excursions and art trips. They are also members of the Kunstverein. Admission is granted by the Executive Board.

Maja Husistein
Roger Keller
Gordian Bayer
Simona Brizzi
Kaspar Hemmeler
Kathrin Jacober
Suzanne Marclay-Merz
Dr. Cornelia Senn Rocicoletti
Dr. Katharina Ammann
Director Aargauer Kunsthaus
Anastasija Baumgartner

Donations from the Association of Friends of the Aargau Art Collection (selection)


The patrons of the Aargauer Kunsthaus are a close-knit community of benefactors around the Kunsthaus management and team. They assist in and promote the activities of the Kunsthaus with ideas and financial support. With their contributions, the patrons support educational activities in exhibitions and for the collection. These include, for example, workshops with artists who are represented in the collection, as well as programmes specially developed for exhibitions to encourage participation and involvement.

Personen stehen um eine Kiste mit Bildern, eine Restauratorin erklärt ihnen ihre Arbeit i
Foto: ullmann.photography

Junior Art Association

To mark its 150th anniversary in 2010, the Aargau Art Association founded Switzerland’s first junior art association in collaboration with the art education department of the Aargauer Kunsthaus. Young members of the Association (aged 0-20) can enjoy events designed exclusively for them, which are announced by newsletter. Children and adolescents discover Art with offerings tailored for their age groups.

Drei Kinder malen an einer Wand im Atelier des Aargauer Kunsthauses i
Foto: ullmann.photography


The Aargauer Kunsthaus offers a wide range of opportunities to get actively involved and participate in the running of the museum. By volunteering, you enable the museum to organise additional offers for visitors, broaden your own horizons and learn new things.

Cornelia Sauvain
Volunteer Manager

Partners + Sponsors

Partner Aargauer Kunsthaus

We would like to thank our sponsor UBS for its generous financial support.

In 2024, the contribution will be made to the exhibition Augusto Giacometti. Freedom | Commission (27.1. – 20.5.2024).

Institutional partners
Media partner
Exhibition partners and sponsors

The Aargauer Kuratorium is jointly responsible for the annual exhibition selection.

Flowers to Art

Flowers to Art is a project by FLOWERS TO ARTS and the Aargauer Kunsthaus.

The Manor Art Prize, one of the most important awards for contemporary art in Switzerland, was established in 1982 by Philippe Nordmann to provide a platform for young Swiss artists. It is awarded annually by a jury of experts in six Swiss cities, alternating between Aarau, Basel, Biel, Chur, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Schaffhausen, Sion, St. Gallen and Winterthur.

Pauline Julier. A Single Universe

We would like to thank the following partners and sponsors for their specific support of the exhibition Pauline Julier. A Single Universe (8.6.–27.10.2024).